St. Philomena’s Hospital in association with The Timken Technology Centre located in
Electronic City in Bengaluru, conducted a successful mammography camp. There were
26 women who were screened and the reports of the screening were submitted.
This is what Geya Pravallika Potlapalli, Senior Engineer, Chairperson WIN, The Timken
Technology Centre, had to say about the screening camp:
The Mammography camp we had on April 20th, 2024, was a success. We had around
26 people join in for the test.
The equipment and vehicle were kept really clean and technicians were so helpful and
made everyone feel comfortable throughout the process. They answered all our
questions really well.
Thanks a lot for your support in making the health camp a big success.
Testimonials from Employees:
Good Initiative, Everything is well managed.
Rose (Employee)
The camp was nice. It would have been great if we had one doctor to address
general questions.
Prathima Reddy (Employee)
It is really good. Thank you for organizing the camp.
Neha (Employee)
Thanks to Pravallika for coordinating with our hospital in organising and helping in
making this camp a success.